Wednesday, September 3, 2008

College Roommates

Technically, I'm not an only child, but i am the youngest of three sisters; one of whom is six years older than I am and the other twelve years older.  In a way this has made me the only child for the past six years of my life.  Both of my older siblings live in different cities far from my hometown. I was the only teenager living in the house and it's no exaggeration to say that all of my parents attention was on me for those six years; not necessarily  in a good way.  In any case, my specific situation made me extremely nervous about coming to college and having to share a rather small room with one other girl for an entire school year.  To make it worse, I was doing a potluck roommate.

It turns out I could not have chosen a better girl to live with myself.  She and I are very similar and easy going, but that does not change the fact that I am not used to having to share such a small and tight space.  Overall, we haven't had any problems so far, knock on wood, but there are the small things that take some getting used to that I never even thought of when living "alone".  For example, I'm the type of person who loves to just have times where your room is quit and you can concentrate on what you need to without any distractions.  I'm not saying my roommate is by any means distracting, but of course she has to go through her daily routine as well.  So if I'm trying to take a nap or trying to do some reading that requires a lot of attention, she might be getting ready for something and opening and closing things around the room. This, of course, is not by any means her fault, it's just something I'm not used to.  

I'm sure the same goes for her.  In fact, the other day I burst into our room after a class.  I turn on the lights, start blaring the music, and typing away on my computer.  Little did i think to check and see if she was in there.  I mean you would think it wouldn't be hard to find your roommate in these small rooms, but she happened to be hidden and wrapped in her covers and pillows taking a nap.  It wasn't until three minutes later when I heard a noise that I realized she was there and I had completely woken her up from her nap with my really obnoxious noises.  

Having a roommate is good in so many ways and certainly teaches me lessons as a person and about sharing space for the first time, but it certainly takes some time to learn how to adjust.  How have your roommate experiences turned out so far?


greek girl said...

Great Post! I totally understand the whole room mate thing. I was the only girl living in my house and going pot luck was the scariest thing ever! Luckily with my room mate and me everything is working well. We have our problems too though like when she is getting ready to go out and I am staying in or when she comes back really late from a party. I am pretty sure though things will work out. Good Luck with your room mate!

A Roach said...

I find it interesting to hear an opinion on how the situation with a "potluck" roommate has turned out. I for one, did not participate in potluck because of the number of horror stories that have circulated from my older siblings experiences in college. I found my roommate via facebook earlier in the summer and we get along great! Even with an online communication, rooming with someone you have never met before can still be intimidating. I hope you and your roommate continue on good terms!


That's got to be tough coming from 6 years of sibling solitude. I was fortunate enough to have a sister in the grade below me (She's a senior in high school now). Dealing with her definitely taught me whole give-take process.

My roommate this year is from Nicaragua. English is his second language, and unfortunately I didn't take a days worth of spanish in school.

It's great having him, and he's a cool guy, but the language barrier hurts our potential friendship. He invites me to go out with his spanish friends, but its hard to enjoy yourself and have fun when including- the -only -non-spanish- speaker in the room is not the general goal of the conversation.

And it works both ways, when I invite him out, he's uncomfortable around my other friends and I. But beyond this, we get along really well.

I think part of this first semester, beyond managing class / social / health etc will be learning how to maintain a healthy relationship with someone you're "forced" to live with.

Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Great post. This one has voice and nice details about your roommate wrapped up in the blanket so as to be invisible.

hunter01 said...

I cannot agree more! Its hard living with another person in such a small space if you have never had to share a room before. I always feel bad when I want to watch tv or have the light on and she is trying to sleep. I never know if I am suppose to stop what I am doing or if its ok, because it is my room too. I think that finding that balance is just going to take sometime. After all we have only been at school a month!